Name of Hospital / Institute / Cancer Centre: Institut Curie
Name of Unit: Breast and Gynecologic and Recontructive Surgery
Address: 26 Rue l'Ulm, 75005 Paris
Country: France
Name: Fabien REYAL
Position: Head of the Breast, Gynecological and Reconstruction Surgery Service
Contact name: Mme Angela Corjos
Position: Education department
Description of the training programme:
- if they are medical students, they will be under observation;
- if they are in the process of specialisation, they will have the resident status like French residents;
- if they are already practionner, they will have resident status and to be able to practice in France they will need to register to National Medical Association;
- As far as the legal requirements, whatever the typology, we will create a tripartite agreement.
Position held by the fellow during the traineeship: Position between resident and consultant, to be determined with the candidate
The training consist of: To discuss with the candidate
Legal requirements: To be determined with the candidate - resume
Maximum number of fellows in the Unit: 2
Optimal duration of the fellowship: Between 3 months and 2 years
Open to both national and international candidates. The condition for validation is that candidates come with their own funding (scholarship from origin hospital/ unversity or other institution)
Ideal candidate: committed to breast cancer
The fellow will participate in:
Continuing medical education in the Unit: YES
Frequency: twice a week
Participation to research activities in the hospital: YES
Accessible library: YES
Available accomodation: Office, computer, library, restaurant
Distance from the Institute/Center: within
Internet facilities: YES
Financial support: NO
Name: Breast & Gynecologic & Reconstructive surgery
Head of Department: Prof. Fabien Reyal
Number of Senior Consultants: 9
Number of Consultants: 14
Number of Residents: 6
Number of beds: 30
Number of wards: 1
Number of operation rooms: 10
Number of operations per day: 6-8 by room
Number of operations per year: 3500
Percentage of surgical oncology in the department per year: 40 %
Breast cancer operations per week/per year: 3500 per years
Other: 600 reconstructive surgeries per year
BRESO programme director: Professor Fabien REYAL - MD, PhD